Friday, February 6, 2009

1467 caches and counting

It's Friday afternoon, my half day off from work. It's 40 degrees and sunny, and the roads ARE clear! It's a given, I'm going caching! 14 caches this afternoon, all relatively easy but still fun nonetheless. Picked up a new coin and a new travel bug, too. I am up to 1467 finds now; at this rate I'll have to pace myself if I want #1500 in Europe. Most of what I've been finding lately are from winter caching series - will probably be archived when spring comes. So need to find them before I leave for Europe.

Travel wise, I'm trying to compile an itinerary with details so that I can have all the vital info in one place (including nearby caches, of course!) It's a bit slow going, but I still have 43 days before I leave, even though I know those 43 days will go quickly.

I did finally fill my pockets of my travel vest just to see...had my camera, GPS, phrase book, guide book, & mp3 player, and didn't look bulky. When I tried to add my water bottle, that looked bulky so will have to come up with plan B for that. The guide book makes it uncomfortable to sit while wearing the zipped up vest so may have to rethink that as well. Will add a few small comfort items in the small pockets, but I think the vest will work great overall. It really won't work to carry my netbook in, though. Working on alternate plans for that as well.

Finally got my Skype (on the netbook) to work. Talked to Mom and got to say hi to Aunt Martha, too. It just didn't work on dialup; and the e-machines (older desktop in the living room) is apparently fried a la hard drive so it's now a moot point anyway. I'm hoping we can get things worked out so Scott can use Skype - he leaves for Iraq in a week.

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