Saturday, February 28, 2009

packing notes

I'm happy to say the FAFSA problem seems to be solved. My PIN still wouldn't work today, then I had a revelation - Dad can get a PIN and do the electronic signing! Duh! And of course, it worked just fine.

Spent part of the day (finally) writing down the packing and to-do lists that have been running through my head forever. Also realized that I really could pack most of my travel-sized toiletries (and the 3-1-1 quart size bag) as I don't plan to do any other traveling in the next three weeks. I'm really just about set except for actually packing my clothing. I've been throwing the little miscellaneous things into the suitcase as I think of them so shouldn't have much to gather at the last minute.

Now all I need is to find out one way or the other whether I will be in Paris or Spangdahlem between March 30 and April 2...

Friday, February 27, 2009

FAFSA - what a pain!

I'm happy to report that Eric has made some plans for his future. He is in the process of applying at Grand Valley State University to finish a bachelor's degree in nursing. Most of his credits from GRCC will transfer, but it will still take 3 years to finish.

Part of the process involves filling out the dreaded FAFSA form for financial aid. Though he doesn't really expect to get any grants or scholarships, it's a requirement for student loans, too. Problem is the deadline for Michigan is March 1st. Yep, Sunday. (though I'm wondering if the next business day is still acceptable.) order to complete a FAFSA, you need to have your taxes done, or at least far enough to know income, etc. I did NOT want to get into those yet...since we usually end up owing taxes every year. So just did enough to get the info, Eric did the same, then we went online and started the process.

All went relatively well until the end. It wouldn't accept the PIN from me for electronic signature. Turns out I had been issued a PIN in January of 2003...6 years ago. That was the one and only time we filed a FAFSA, for Scott. Didn't do us (or him) any good so we never bothered to file it again. No way do I remember that PIN number. So filed for a duplicate. They gave me one. Then when I tried to use that one, said it had to process it with Social Security and to try again in 1-2 business days. We don't have 1-2 business days. So the other option is to file without the signature which will delay it in the system.

Decided to try tomorrow with the PIN again, then file without signature if we have to. Frustrating!

But I am very happy that Eric has finally made some decisions regarding his future plans!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eating in Europe

My sis Judy and I have talked about her being in charge of planning our eating adventures, especially since she hasn't had much of any additional "must-see" sights to add to our trip.

She says she doesn't want to go to any American fast-food places (ie McDonalds) while there. She also has more international experience than either Deb or I, due to her naval service stationed in Naples, Italy. She probably traveled a bit around Europe while there, though I don't remember any specifics.

So that's one area that I definitely am willing to give to her! (Though I -do- want to go to McD's at least once in London and once in Paris just to see...maybe not for a meal but at least for the probably free wi-fi.)

We discussed a bit of planning philosophy. Decided to reach a happy medium between being spontaneous and planning it out enough so that we're not spending half the time trying to figure out what to do next. Yes, I have an itinerary, probably more planned out than necessary. But I know it can be changed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Statue of the Queen Mother - a new must see in London

Another addition to the "London list" - a new memorial statue of the Queen Mother was unveiled yesterday in London. It's near a statue of her husband, King George, in the Mall near Buckingham Palace. Looks pretty neat!

Otherwise things are quiet here.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Beary Good Time

For those that aren't in the know, I attended an advanced Boy Scout training course called Wood Badge in 2002. The course is six intensive full days spread out over two weekends. After you complete the course, you must complete five "tickets" that are major projects to benefit scouting, yourself, or your work. I completed the tickets and earned my two beads in early 2004. I earned a third bead by serving as a troop guide for course C-16-07 in 2007. My patrol, the Bears, adopted me as their "Mama Bear" even though my own course's critter were the Bobwhites.

Three out of the six members of the Bear patrol earned their two beads in 2008. Two of the remaining three, along with twelve other course participants, were awarded their beads in a "mega-beading" ceremony this afternoon at our scout offices in Grand Rapids. I had been the ticket counselor for two of the other twelve as well.

There were probably more Wood Badge scouters at this event than there were at the last Wood Badge Reunion! It was great to see so many of my scouting friends in the same place for the same purpose. We had a great ceremony, then refreshments afterwards.

At the end of the afternoon, we were privileged to hear a short bagpipes "concert" by the sixth member of the Bear patrol, who needed to demonstrate his proficiency to complete his last ticket item. Now all six Bears have earned their beads!

We adjourned to Vickie's house where we had a champagne toast (sparkling grape juice for the non-drinkers among us) and chocolate dipped strawberries and had a bear gathering that lasted until 9 p.m.

A wonderful way to spend the afternoon!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Residence Vauvilliers

I have spent part of the afternoon searching on the web for an economical single hotel room in Paris, as a substitute for the MIJE room that was not available. I've made a reservation at the Residence Vauvilliers in the 1st arr. It's a single room with shower in room, WC in the hall. Small place with 14 total rooms, total price is just a bit less than I would have paid at the MIJE.

Reasonings: I was still a bit uncomfortable with the idea of sharing a 5-bed dorm at the Young & Happy (my fallback reservation.) Somewhat with security issues, but just as much because I'm a pretty light sleeper these days and not sure if I could adjust. Yes, I know I'll be sharing a room with my 2 sisters. They're family, I think I can manage.

Anyway.... I did not have to put down any deposit and can cancel without penalty up to 48 hours in advance. This becomes important as you read on.

Scott will have two weeks notice (so he says) before any possible deployment. I'm interpreting that to mean that, if he hasn't been given notice by the middle of March (a week before I leave) then he'll still be around the last week of March/first week of April when I'll be in Paris. IF he's available, I still wanted to spend the weekend in Paris. I'll be able to change this reservation to a shorter time if need be. If he won't be around, I have what I want for the entire six nights that I'd be there.

As far as transportation, I've resigned myself to the fact that it'll have to be relatively last-minute and probably more expensive. UNLESS Scott drives over to Paris in the Blazer? I can't worry about that right now.

I spent some time last night organizing my possible geocaches for the trip. I know I won't get to many of them, but I want to be prepared for the possibilities. I should be all set other than checking the site the week before I leave to see if there are any more new ones, or that any of these have been archived.

One month from today, right now, I will be at the Gerald R. Ford International Airport, checking in for my flight to Chicago, which will connect me with my flight to LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait (as if you couldn't tell!)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Permission to be frustrated with the Air Force?

I went to the monthly geocaching meet & greet tonight. While I was gone, Scott called from Germany. He had talked to whoever might give him the best idea of whether or not he'll still be there in a month, and the final answer was "I have no idea."

I know that's not the answer I was looking for. Guess I'll just have to take it one day at a time. The train fare is probably the biggest concern. A round trip ticket, special rate, is 108 euros. The unlimited, regular rate is 170 euros. That's probably around a hundred dollars difference. Guess I can't worry about it - can you possibly put a price tag on seeing your child for the first time in over a year?

The meet and greet went well. Got to talk with some caching friends both old and new. Got some hints on caches, too!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Blue and Gold

It's been a very busy week so far for me. At work, I now have two additional children to care for: an almost two year old girl, who has been with us before, and her three month old sister. It's a whole new world again to take care of a wee little one! We're getting into a routine, but definitely no down time for Miss Mary!

Last night, I was invited to a Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet. This is a celebration of the anniversary of scouting and also included an Arrow of Light ceremony and crossover to Boy Scouting for the 2nd year Webelos scouts. This was the pack that I started out as a Cub Scout Den Leader in so it was nice to be there once more. They showed a slide show of their scouting year. Seeing all those happy, excited Cubs (both in the slide show and in person) reminded me of why I am still a part of Cub Scouting (as a Cub Roundtable Commissioner anyway.)

I have a few concerns about how some of the awards were handled, but am thinking about whether or not it would be wise to "ruffle the feathers" so to speak. Would want it to come across as constructive comments but realize they could be taken the wrong way if not careful.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tweaking the trip a bit...

Thought I'd finally post a picture of us three sisters (vintage of course) that are going on the trip. Debbie is the tallest and oldest, I'm in the middle, and Judy is the little one between us. This would be Christmas in about 1965, I think, at our Grandma's house.

I'm thinking about starting to tweak our itinerary. London will now be including a trip on the London Eye as Debbie really wants to go on it. Sigh. I wasn't all that geeked about it so decided not to put it on the itinerary; waiting to see if one of my sisters wanted to go. Well now one does so no problem, we'll get it in there somewhere. Our London time will be busy!

Also looking at Paris again. With the almost certain knowledge that my six days alone will most likely be just two extra days (and perhaps will have Scott along, too!) I'm looking at what things I really want to do the most and what things can wait for another trip (hopefully someday!)

What comes to mind first is Sacre Coeur. The view is great, but the building itself doesn't seem quite as spectacular as others and the neighborhood doesn't seem all that wonderful. I'm thinking there are other places I'd rather go to before that, especially if I have to leave out some of my original plans. I've learned a lot about Paris since I originally made up my itinerary! Have to think about it anyway. The Marais may be a bit more authentically "Parisian" as far as neighborhoods, perhaps the Places des Vosges instead of the Place du Tertre? Dunno. Waiting for Scott to get some more definite confirmation of his schedule which he'll try to get on Tuesday. I definitely still want to go to Versailles, so looks like that will be on the agenda for Sunday of my Paris time.

Mom and Aunt Martha have been to London now and sounds like they're having a great time! They confirm the need to pack lightly as you're having to haul your luggage up and down stairs at the underground especially. I have no problem with that! My suitcase has backpack straps for when I need to carry it.

They also suggested wearing surgical masks on the flight over. Good in theory but for a somewhat claustrophobic person like me, just isn't gonna happen. No way. Being in a plane for 7-9 hours gives me enough pause. The ends outweigh the means in that case. But small space COMBINED with something covering my nose and mouth that long. No.

E-mailed both my sisters in response to e-mails from them. In just five weeks we'll be in London! Can't wait!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The last few days

Yesterday was my half day Friday so of course I left work and did a little geocaching. I finished up a series (the "out" series) of caches and picked up a few others as well - 7 in all. I was at the library by 3 ish to use the high speed before going home to meet the rest of the family and go to my father-in-law's for his birthday.

Was in the midst of logging my caches when my mom called me on Skype from London. Was great to talk to her but a little awkward as I was not in a study room, just out in the library itself. Had to keep my voice down as the library where I was at was not a really "noisy" library. After our skype talk, I finished logging caches then watched last night's Survivor premiere episode for the new season. I don't even worry about setting the VCR for Survivor when I'm gone for Roundtable or other reasons now - just catch it on the next day or so!

Roundtable went well the night before - we had a decent turnout and lots of fun during the evening. One of the best parts was our song "If I Weren't a Cub Scout" which went over really well! The theme for March is "When I Grow Up" which made that song fit right in. I stopped at the super WalMart in Greenville on the way home and ended up finding a mini-backpack that my netbook fits right into - works really well to transport the netbook with less bulk than my DVD player case that I bought when I first got the netbook. I also have a neoprene sleeve to protect it inside the backpack.

My father-in-law's birthday went well. He just wanted to have cake and ice cream, so we (Steve, Eric, and I) went to Subway to grab a quick dinner, then went to his house for cake and ice cream as well as presents. Scott had sent him a beer stein from Germany and we bought him some military books which he seemed to enjoy.

This morning (Valentines Day!) Steve is at work (not by his choice...) and Eric is also working. He left our treats before he left, though - Scott had sent him funds to get candy and flowers from both of them. I'm going to try to post the picture of the flowers here, they are pretty nice! Steve and I have yet to exchange - I got him candy plus a HUGE poster print of his favorite non-human love - his four motorcycles. Hope he likes it.

Hope all of my one and a half readers have a great Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Clarification AND another geocaching trip

I just read my last post. Want to make sure that my reader or two understands that I am meaning that I am more ok with less days in Paris and seeing Scott in Germany, not the other way around.

Decided to make this a new post, though, because I realized that I've never posted about my latest wanderings. Monday morning, I had a bit of extra time so decided to do some quick geocaching. Originally, one cache was hidden in an urban area overlooking the interstate through downtown. Figured I'd get it eventually. Next I found out about another cache on the same road. Then, a THIRD cache was published for the same road. This made it worth the trip even though they were all micro-sized caches. So I planned a trip for sometime this week. Then, over the weekend a FOURTH cache was published across the interstate in the same area. So checked the caches Monday before I left and was reminded that there was yet another cache close enough by, that became my first stop of five in just over a half hour.

The finds were all relatively simple, my hardest part was finding parking on that street where the three caches were. Spaces were at a premium, glad I wasn't at any of the locations more than a couple of minutes. Chalk up five more finds for me, I think I'm at 1472 now. I'm glad that I have most of these winter urban caches done now, at this pace I would definitely get to 1500 before the trip.

Wonderings...Scott, Germany, Paris, MIJE

It's sounding more likely that Scott will not be changing his address to Iraq any time in the near future, if at all. Looks like I'll get to go to Germany after all! I'm more ok with that than I was in my last post (not at the part about seeing him, of course, the part about not having as much time in Paris.)

I'm looking at my Paris itinerary and am going to start to tweak it, both the parts with my sisters and otherwise. I'm thinking about staying in Paris through the weekend, then going to Germany on Monday and spending time with Scott (if he'll have me!) until Thursday night, then returning to Paris and taking my flight out the next morning. I'll have to see how much Germany info I still have as I did take off lots of my bookmarks, etc. when I thought I wasn't going to go. Plus figure out the trains again, at least I should be able to tap into the actual schedule as we're only six weeks out now.

Something that has added to the thought process is that I did NOT get into MIJE. I got my reservation in as early on Wednesday morning as I could (was 6 p.m. on Tuesday our time) and received word back that they were fully booked. Not sure how that could be but nonetheless it's not gonna happen. I realize that they also cater to school groups so that could be why, as individual reservations aren't accepted until 45 days out.

I'm still not thrilled about the Young and Happy. So I'll probably look for something else if I can get it. But hanging on to that reservation for now, just in case.

Just when you thought your trip was pretty much in place... guess it pays to be flexible.

Monday, February 9, 2009

News that jumbles the red "head"

The red "head" is jumbled tonight. There's a very real possibility that Scott's deployment will either be delayed or won't happen at all. (He should know more by the end of the week.)

The mom in me has mixed feelings. I'm happy that it might not happen, of course, because that means he won't be going to a war zone. As Scott says, though, it would have been good financially for him to go, he could have saved up the extra pay he would receive for being deployed. So I'm bummed for him in that respect.

But where this has consequences for me is in my trip planning. I long ago made peace with the idea that I would NOT get to go to Germany and see him while on this trip. So therefore my Paris plans have been made, tweaked over and over, and are somewhat perfected at this point. I'm very much looking forward to having six days alone in Paris, in addition to the 2 1/2 days with my sisters. Now I might be able to go to Germany after all.

I feel some major Mom guilt because I'm not as excited about that as I should be. Paris is so far into my head that it'll be hard to let go of some of it. I'm telling myself, too, that I still will have SOME time in Paris. Just not as much as I've been planning on. And come on, I haven't seen my son for a year now. I love him and miss not seeing him.

What to do? Obviously go to Germany if I'm able. Nothing is for sure yet. The deployment could just be delayed, not cancelled. But I'm thinking about spending at least the weekend in Paris, then going to Germany on Monday or even Tuesday. A little less time with Scott, but who wants their mother hanging around for a whole week when they're a 23 year old single guy? Or maybe he'd like to come to Paris instead. I don't know. We'll wait and see how the outcome of the deployment plans turn out.

I'm still going to make my reservations this week at MIJE (hopefully anyway.) You don't have to give a credit card to reserve a spot, so I'm assuming that cancelling all or part of the stay wouldn't be a problem or cost me any penalty.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Working on the itinerary...

I've spent quite a bit of my weekend working on the itinerary for the trip. I made enough progress to enter it into a Word document for the first time! It includes flight info, hotel info, and basic info on places we plan to visit. Oh yeah, also basic geocache info for nearby caches, too. (As usual when planning caching for a trip, I bring info on more caches than I plan to find, just so I have it if I need it...) It also has transportation info - I've figured out that a carnet of Metro tickets will probably be enough for my (Sat. - Fri.) week in Paris. I'll still have to purchase RER tickets separately for Versailles and CDG airport though.

I'm beginning to get a good enough feel for Paris that, as I read through the itinerary, I can actually imagine being there. Less than six weeks to go, I can hardly wait!

No word from Scott today, though we usually hear from him on Sunday afternoons. I hope he hasn't been deployed early... he's not scheduled to go until the end of this coming week.

Friday, February 6, 2009

1467 caches and counting

It's Friday afternoon, my half day off from work. It's 40 degrees and sunny, and the roads ARE clear! It's a given, I'm going caching! 14 caches this afternoon, all relatively easy but still fun nonetheless. Picked up a new coin and a new travel bug, too. I am up to 1467 finds now; at this rate I'll have to pace myself if I want #1500 in Europe. Most of what I've been finding lately are from winter caching series - will probably be archived when spring comes. So need to find them before I leave for Europe.

Travel wise, I'm trying to compile an itinerary with details so that I can have all the vital info in one place (including nearby caches, of course!) It's a bit slow going, but I still have 43 days before I leave, even though I know those 43 days will go quickly.

I did finally fill my pockets of my travel vest just to see...had my camera, GPS, phrase book, guide book, & mp3 player, and didn't look bulky. When I tried to add my water bottle, that looked bulky so will have to come up with plan B for that. The guide book makes it uncomfortable to sit while wearing the zipped up vest so may have to rethink that as well. Will add a few small comfort items in the small pockets, but I think the vest will work great overall. It really won't work to carry my netbook in, though. Working on alternate plans for that as well.

Finally got my Skype (on the netbook) to work. Talked to Mom and got to say hi to Aunt Martha, too. It just didn't work on dialup; and the e-machines (older desktop in the living room) is apparently fried a la hard drive so it's now a moot point anyway. I'm hoping we can get things worked out so Scott can use Skype - he leaves for Iraq in a week.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

45 days to departure - NOT time to make the MIJE reservations

45 days and counting...Feb. 4th is 45 days out from March 21 when we leave for Europe.

This blog entry was going to wonder why I can't get my MIJE reservation in as it's already the 4th in Paris.... (believe me, I tried, about 6:30 p.m. tonight which would have been 12:30 a.m. there.) When I tried, the reservation site said it was too early.

Just realized as I typed the first line that Feb. 4th is indeed 45 days out from our departure date. But that is NOT 45 days from when I need the reservation, which would be a week later, the 28th. I have to wait another week to try to make the reservation. D'Oh!

In case I haven't mentioned it, MIJE reservations are accepted no more than 45 days before the date needed.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just the (geocaching) facts, ma'am...

I made the trip down to Wayland (about 25 miles from home) this afternoon after church to attend a funeral visitation for a long-time scouter that I've worked with on the Wood Badge executive committee. In fact, I took over my current position as WBA treasurer from him. Doc White was a good man and a good scouter. He made a difference to the scouts of Troop 97 for 50 years.

Doc loved the outdoors so I'm sure he wouldn't have minded that I did a little geocaching afterwards...I don't get as far south as Wayland too often and the weather was just gorgeous (for winter anyway, around 40 degrees)

Did two caches that were pretty easy (one would not have been easy if a cacher hadn't dug it out the day before) then stopped at a third one that was also easy. I parked across the street in an empty maintenance building lot, then found the cache in a bush next to the "Welcome to Wayland" sign. Signed the log (and I think I managed to lose a brand new red gel pen in the process....grrr) then turned around to trudge back through the knee high snow to my car only to see one of Wayland's finest pulled up by my car. Uh-oh! Walked back to the car, knowing I wasn't doing anything illegal. Sure enough, the officer rolled down his window as I approached and wanted to know what I had been doing. Honesty being the best policy, I asked him if he knew what geocaching was. He didn't, but was interested to hear my explanation and then told me to have a good afternoon and went on his way. Perhaps the fact that I was in my scout uniform helped my credibility? Anyway, I survived my first "cop while geocaching" encounter!

Did a last cache on the way home. It was a typical lightpole micro, I took the cache back to the car to sign the log and another car pulled in and parked in front of the nearby businesses. I decided to wait it out so they wouldn't see me return the cache. Doggone it, they weren't budging even after I did everything I could think of to while away a few minutes in the car. I got out of the car to put the cache back anyway, and the car drove over to the cache location. As they were pulling up, though, they shouted, "Hi, Mary!" so I knew that they were fellow geocachers who were waiting for ME to leave, then when I got out of the car they recognized me and knew it was ok to drive on up. Chance encounters with other cachers, especially ones you know, aren't all that common, so it was fun!