Thursday, January 1, 2009

Just Another New Years Eve...

It was just another New Years Eve...hoping 2009 will be better than 2008 (at least the last quarter or so...)

Spent most of the day scanning info from my library guidebooks so I can return them to the library. Now that I have the Rick Steves books, I shouldn't need to keep borrowing the library guidebooks but there were some things that the other books had that Rick Steves doesn't.

Eric decided to go out with friends so it was just Steve and I going over to his dad's for the evening. Mostly watching TV and (for me) using the Acer netbook. I made oyster stew for Steve and his dad (a Cooper NY tradition) but didn't have any myself. I struggled through that stuff the first few years after we were married but then decided that since I was only a Cooper by marriage that the "good luck" part didn't necessarily apply, at least not badly enough for me to want to eat that stuff! To each his own.

There was a big celebration in downtown Grand Rapids tonight - complete with a ball drop. Maybe not as big as New York City, but still big enough to count. Estimated that 20,000 people were there.

Scott called at about 11:45 p.m. and we all talked to him on Grandpa's speakerphone and were still talking at midnight so got to "be" with at least one of our sons to celebrate! He is 6 hours ahead of us in Germany so it was 5:45 a.m., he hadn't been to bed yet but he works night shift so is used to different hours.

Came home about 1 a.m. and just not tired so decided to check e-mail and do other stuff online. Also waiting up for Eric even though he hates that. A mom never stops worrying; that always used to bug me when I was their ages but now I totally understand the concept.

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