Sunday, January 18, 2009

No scamming please!

Just a quick update first - Eric got home about 20 minutes after I posted my previous entry. Have to admit he's usually pretty good about either getting home by midnight or at least calling.

This has been a quiet weekend. Did some online reading last night, mostly on the Rick Steves site. I started reading about all the tourist scams...that can sure give you food for thought! There are several classic variations in Paris...

First is the gold ring scam. The person slips a "gold" ring on the ground, then "finds" it and offers it to you. When you take it, the person insists on your giving them some money for "lunch" in return for the favor. Usually on or near the Seine.

Another is the bracelet scam. Usually near tourist attractions such as Sacre Coeur, you're approached by a group of men who grab your wrist and tie a string bracelet on it, then demand money for the "gift" they've given you.

Also to watch out for are the trinket sellers around the Eiffel Tower who shove little plastic towers in your face to get you to buy them.

And this is on top of the ever-necessary vigilance against pickpockets and other thefts. It was strongly stressed in what I read last night that a money belt or pouch is a MUST.

Makes you wonder if it's even worth it. YES, of course it is!!!!!! Just need to be careful and aware. Most of the scammers ask you if you speak English. It's suggested that you answer, "Nein" (German) rather than "non" (French) or "no." Apparently you're not as apt to be bothered if they think you're German. Ja, das ist gut.

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