Saturday, January 24, 2009

I graduated today!

I've spent the greater part of the last two days traveling to Flint, Michigan (on the east side of the state for those who need a bit of a Michigan geography lesson) to attend a commissioner's training for Boy Scouts. My friend and I left about 2 p.m. on Friday afternoon and had a nice leisurely drive over to Flint ON DRY ROADS! She drove which was just fine with me! I had some geocache information with me but we were having such a good conversation that we decided not to.

We arrived at our hotel and checked in. We were put on the third floor so up we went. Walked down the hall and definitely smelled pot. Thankfully, by the time we got to our room, the smell was gone and our room smelled just fine. We settled in, then decided to go out for dinner. We ended up at Don Pablos for Mexican food, neither of us had been there. Good food and they had sweet corn cake just like Chi-Chi's had. We also had a complimentary appetizer thanks to a coupon from the hotel. Very nice.

Next stop was the place where our evening meeting was. Found it but still had an hour to kill so went back to the shopping area and ended up at Barnes and Noble where I bought two nice maps, one of London and one of Paris. Laminated so they'll last. Then back to the evening meeting. We'd been told that last year nobody wore their uniforms to this meeting, which was basically just a get to know you evening. Yep, of course (when we weren't) everyone else was in uniform! Oh well.

Back to the hotel, where I called my little sister and wished her a Happy Birthday while my friend caught up on her reading a little. We then went down to the hot tub for a while, that sure felt good in the middle of all this January winter weather we've been having! Came back to the room - then I tried to use the wireless without any luck. Turns out it was satellite internet and since it was snowing it wasn't working very well.

We got up early this morning, got ready, had the free hotel continental breakfast, then went to the main training. It was a fun day and we learned a lot as well. We even graduated at the end of the day, I now have a "Bachelors of Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner Service" which, with a buck will get me a cheap cup of coffee I guess. But it does mean something in scouting circles. It was interesting to hear our speaker who was Tico Perez, National Commissioner. He told us about some major changes coming with a new Scout Handbook in September, as well as some changes that have been made to the national scouting offices and some other cool things.

We were finished at about 6:30 p.m. and I made it back home about 8:30 p.m. Again DRY ROADS - which was a nice surprise as I thought the Grand Rapids forecast for today was for 80% chance of snow showers. I'm not complaining!

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