Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A quiet afternoon...

It was a quiet afternoon today. I had to work from 1 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., and only had one of my toddlers most of the afternoon. He slept from 1 until 2:30 so I spent the time re-reading my DK London guidebook from the library and marking places where I want to take notes about info that Rick Steves book doesn't have.

Did errands before I came home (had to get the traditional creamed herring and oysters for oyster stew for NY Eve...) and it had started to snow by the time I was almost home. Eric is out at a friend's house, driving the old Transport w/o all wheel drive as he is carless right now. (He went through standing water that was deeper than he thought...ruined the engine enough that it will have to be rebuilt. He's carless because he was a bit careless. A story for another day.)

Saw this interesting tidbit on a travel site - 5 Golden Rules for traveling

1. Always eat lunch before it gets too late.
Many restaurants are not open between lunch and dinner.
2. Speak up.
If you are unhappy about something, want to do something else, don’t want to go somewhere, it’s your fault if you don’t communicate. The rest of us aren’t mind readers.
3. Don’t be a martyr.
No one will respect you for it and you will be miserable. This goes hand in hand with rule #2.
4. Be brave when it comes to food. Taste everything.
5. Roll with it.
Plans can go awry. Strikes happen. Museums close randomly. Have a back up plan.

All good advice, eh?

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