Thursday, January 15, 2009

Meet & Greet

It's still bitterly cold. But at least it wasn't snowing as I left for work. Tonight was our monthly SW MiGO Meet & Greet potluck get together. (SW MiGO = Southwest Michigan Geocaching Organization.) I think we have an overabundance of cachers with names in the beginning of the alphabet. Usually we're assigned main dish - and there's lots of main dishes, not so many desserts. This time we got desserts - and yep, way too many desserts, the main dishes were cleared out fast! That's not a good thing when you're watching what you're eating...but I managed to be pretty good anyway. (I have lost 10 pounds since the beginning of the year, mostly by just eating less (especially snacking at work where treats are ALWAYS available) and listening to my body, as in eating only when I'm hungry.

The meet & greet was fun as usual - swapping caching stories and travel bugs, giving and getting help on unfound caches and puzzles, and just general catching up on what's happening in our lives. We are a very diverse group of people but have a common bond in geocaching. I truly enjoy spending time with these people.

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