Monday, June 1, 2009

Things I miss now that I'm getting older...

Yesterday was graduation Sunday at church. Can't believe it's already been six years since Scott graduated, and four for Eric. These graduates (some of them anyway) were in my first Sunday School class of first graders, that would have been in about 1997 or 98. Makes me feel old. Our church honors our high school graduates in the morning service, then the actual graduation at the high school is that afternoon.

But all I have to do is look at myself and realize, yep, I -am- getting old! I really don't feel that old but reality tells me that I have just over a year until I hit the big 5-0.

Things I miss now that I'm older:

my auburn hair (the "redhed" part!) - I am getting more and more gray strands mixed in. I tried dyeing it once, had a reaction to the dye and decided what will be, will be.

my nice smooth hands. This sounds silly, but I look down at the tops of my hands now and they look like my Grandma's did. Hand lotion helps, I use it often, but I just don't have that smooth elastic skin that I did when I was younger.

my 20-20 vision. Bifocals aren't fun. And I really do need the close-up part now. 'Nuff said there.

perkier "ta-ta's". Laugh again. On the night of our anniversary, I put on the nightgown I wore on my honeymoon, which had a seam (then) right below them. That seam now hits smack dab in the middle with plenty below. And it's not a weight thing, just gravity. That and nursing two kids for a year each will do it.

The pre-babies body as a whole. It wasn't fantastic, but I'd trade what I have now for that in a heartbeat. I know it's a matter of willpower, but the youngest baby is almost 22. Don't think it's gonna happen.

and most of all, being with my kids when they were kids. They have both grown up to be wonderful young men, but I miss my little boys sometimes. At least in my job I can sort of relive that time, but of course it's not just the same.

BUT - I have the wisdom that comes with age and experience. And I wouldn't trade that for anything above. Well, maybe the part about missing my little boys. But if there is a way to be young again WITH all that wisdom, well let's talk. But anyone who has figured that out has to be richer than Bill Gates!

After reading this over, I think my mother will laugh when she reads this herself...

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