Saturday, May 30, 2009

Seeking Freddi's Second

I had a Wood Badge committee meeting this morning at the council offices, which took up the rest of the morning and into the early afternoon. Just four others could attend, one of them Sonia, my good Bear friend. After the meeting we decided to check out the new cache that Freddi502 put out just a few miles away. Freddi502 is the caching name for our good Bear friend Vickie. Her son actually put out the cache, a two-stager.

It was drizzling a bit as we searched, but that was good in that it helped a little in fighting off the skeeters. Sonia didn't have the coords so we used my GPS to find the first stage. We were having a bit of trouble so Sonia went back to her car to get her GPS. While she was gone I found the first stage. We went on to the second and final stage and found it. I traded travel bugs and we both signed the log.

Since we were so close to Vickie's house, we went on over and interrupted the deck-wrecking project that was going on. We had a nice visit for a while with Vickie and her DH, Jim. Wish I could have cached the afternoon away with Sonia but I had an open house to go to so we went on our way.

When I got home, changed clothes as Freddi herself (Vickie's large dog) had left lots of little presents all over me (aka dog hair) then we got the Gold Wing out and rode it over to the open house, which was for one of Eric's friends. When we got there, Steve had me get out the plate that he puts under the side stand for the bike so it doesn't sink into the ground. I reached in and pulled out...a wad of goo. Seems like, when Steve went on his trip a few weeks ago, he stuck a banana into the pouch behind the backrest and obviously forgot about it. It did not feel pleasant...glad I'd stuck the card for the graduate behind the plate instead of in front of it. There was only a tiny bit of goo on the envelope, wiped it off and none the worse for wear.

Anyway, the open house was nice. We got a chance to talk with some of Eric's friends from his church. Eric is getting baptized next weekend, I'm really looking forward to that. Came home after the open house and just getting the laundry done as well as logging Freddi's cache. Also talked to my mom and looks like the weekend straddling July and August we can look forward to having them as company. Will have to move Scott's boxes around to make room in his room for them. That'll be nice to have them here!

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