Sunday, June 28, 2009


(This would have been written on Friday so I'm going to write it in the present tense even though I'm actually writing on Sunday...)

We took a motorcycle ride with the Riders Redeemed, our church's motorcycle group, tonight. Steve agreed to go and I'm glad he did. It was fun riding with church friends again. Our destination was Nashville (Michigan) - the home of the Mooville Creamery and really good ice cream, so we'd heard. Nice ride, the weather was better than earlier in the week, less humid and not quite so hot. We got to the creamery and enjoyed our ice cream as well as conversation with friends and new friends. Steve especially liked getting to know one guy from church, hope it develops into a friendship. Steve needs friends, especially godly friends like this guy.

And, wouldn't ya know it, there was a cache just 200 feet away! Of course I looked ahead of time. So went over to grab it, an easy find, while most were at the petting zoo area outside the creamery. Afterwards, some decided they needed to eat dinner since we'd had an early start and they hadn't eaten. Some others of us had two scoops just because we hadn't had dinner.... but we all went to a nearby restaurant and had pizza/sandwiches. Then a nice ride home, we were home by 10 p.m. and there was still some twilight. These long evenings are nice.

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