Thursday, June 18, 2009

Orange barrels, orange barrels, looking out at me...

Construction has reared its ugly head in Michigan. It doesn't seem to help as the roads are (mostly) still as bad as ever. The economy is so bad in our state that some roads are actually being turned back to gravel as there's not enough money in budgets to repave!

The main roads, though, are just being torn up. This impacts me in two places right now (for the most part) - I-196 at College Ave., where they are replacing the College Ave. bridge; and the off ramp from I-96 to Fulton. The first place isn't usually too bad going in, there's just some lane shifting but not usually any backups. Well, yesterday that wasn't the case, there was one lane blocked off so all the traffic had to shift. Most people, of course, see the lane closed ahead sign and get right over. There are those, however, that think they own the road and go just as far as they can in the "to-be-closed" lane and then expect people to let them merge in.

Many people (myself sometimes included when it seems safe to do so) ride both lanes in an attempt to block said drivers from cutting in line. It usually doesn't work well. Yesterday was sweet, though -- a big truck decided to ride both lanes. That sure stopped the cutters! Made the long wait almost worth it.

Leaving work, I decided to take Fulton all the way through. The disadvantage of this is going through downtown, and overall slower speeds. But - you avoid the detour of going on the Beltline to get to Fulton as you can't take the off ramp right now. When I took the Beltline detour on Tuesday, it was a long wait!

I sure wish construction season was done! But when you look at driving on icy roads, I guess I'll take construction any time over that.

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