Sunday, June 28, 2009

who'll give me a dollar for this box of "stuff"

Got up yesterday morning and decided to go ahead and go to an estate auction I'd seen listed in the paper. It wasn't too far away, and had camera equipment listed, Steve collects old cameras. Got to the auction and had a good chance to look around. The home was on a nearby lake, beautiful setting for an auction.

I always wonder about the people when I attend an estate auction. You can tell a lot about people by what "stuff" they leave behind... lots of craft items here as well as collectables, toys, furniture, boating stuff. I stayed at the auction about 2 hours or so, and bought a nice little vest pocket Kodak for Steve, plus a few boxes of "stuff" for a dollar apiece. The kind of "stuff" you pick through for a few good things then end up donating the rest to a thrift store. That reminds me, I forgot to bring the box of stuff I'd sorted into town...oh well. It'll get there.

Went back to Lowell from there and ended up doing some garage saling to kill time since I had an open house to go to at 2 p.m. Didn't buy much, just browsed. Then went to the open house and ended up sitting with someone I knew from church. We were talking, and I mentioned the auction I'd been to. To make a long story short, she knew the lady whose estate it was. She told me a lot more about her and her life, which made my day even more interesting. Small world!

Steve and Eric were out on their (1 week delayed) Father's Day kayaking outing while I spent my day. It was good for them to get out together. I worry about their relationship, they don't have a lot to bond them besides their father/son relationship. Different interests and outlook on life. I know they love each other, but sometimes they both have a hard time showing it. But yesterday was good for both of them.

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