Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just missed my personal record

I just missed my personal finds record (42) yesterday while caching in the Holland/Zeeland area. Ended up with 41 finds. If I'd have found all my DNF's (did not find) I would have had 60. So I think it was a pretty good day regardless.

Got up at 7 and was out the door by 7:30. Had loaded the car the night before so I wouldn't forget anything. I was almost to the M6 when I realized that I had forgotten something - to eat breakfast! Stopped for a donut and juice at the gas station - not the world's best breakfast but thought I'd better eat something. Got to Zeeland about 8:15 (I think) and started right in. Cached my way through Zeeland, then the plan was to work my way over to Ottawa Beach Road so I could do the cache at the Park Twp Airport that one of my Bears (Fitz) put out. I was there by about 1 p.m. and made that find. It was #20 of the 41. Then went to a park across the street, ate my sandwich while watching the dogs play in the nearby dog park. Of course there was a cache at that park, too. My afternoon took me along the north shore of Lake Macatawa, then into Holland itself. By this time I realized I wouldn't get to everything I'd planned to look for, so skipped the caches that were right downtown and concentrated on those south of downtown. Got to cache #40 about 6:15 p.m., then realized I'd need to find a fast food place to change into my scout uniform (in their restroom) so went over to 16th & US 31, found a Burger King, and changed my clothes.

Went back towards the church where Brian's beading was going to be held, stopped along the way to do one last cache (yep, in full uniform) which was only 3/10 of a mile from the church, then had an enjoyable evening watching my last Bear get his beads. Being a troop guide for Wood Badge has been such an amazing journey, it's hard to believe that this part of it is done. But I've made some lifelong scouting friends through it.

We were all presented with our Bears (stuffed, but don't tell them that) red wool scouting jackets. Fitz's wife, Jessica, made them for all of us. She could go into business making miniature scouting uniforms! But I'm sure there's some BSA regulation prohibiting that...

Home by about 10 p.m. after a long but satisfying day. I know my marathon caching needs to take a break for now but it sure has been fun to get 78 caches in two caching days almost back-to-back!
The picture posted with this blog is from Holland. Their world-famous Tulip Time festival was last week, but some of the late-blooming tulips are still quite nice!
Scott update: things were postponed until today. He is packed and ready to go.

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