Thursday, May 14, 2009

The go-kart demon!

Last night was our Awana book finishers party, at Craig's Cruisers. This is a place that has indoor and outdoor go-karts, miniature golf, bumper cars, bumper boats, laser tag, video games, and a pizza/pasta buffet. Wednesdays is all you can do and eat for $20. And our church paid for us to go.

I didn't ride with the kids as I had to come straight from work. Got there about 6, and after getting my wristband, ate a quick dinner of pizza & pasta, then went out to play. Drove a go-kart on the outdoor track, then went to find some kids to play with. Found a group of four Sparkies along with some teen leaders, so signed up to play laser tag with them. I had fun, but didn't do so's pretty sad when kindergarteners and first graders get a better score than you! Our team won, though, I think thanks to the "other" people (not from our group) on the team.

Next I took a first grade boy to the indoor go-kart track, as he was not old enough to drive one himself we took a double kart. He's just beginning to read well, so he read every caution sign along the way, several times.... After that, we went on the bumper cars, then he rode a "frog jumper" ride which was up-and-down multiple times, made just for kids. Then it was just about time to go so we got everyone on the bus and off they went. As I had driven, I could have stayed another hour until the place closed. Debated that, but it's just not as much fun without friends. And besides, there were a couple of caches in the general area as long as it was still light... so found three caches, the last just as it was getting dark so I didn't break my "no solo night caching" rule.

Still no word from Scott other than he's finished outprocessing and just waiting for the word. I'll be out caching with my friend Carolyn all day tomorrow (I have the day off) so I hope he doesn't call then.

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