Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Looking back on the trip...

Had a little bit of extra time this morning so finally edited my trip posts to add a few pictures. Most all of the one and a half people who regularly read this blog have already seen my pix but just in case you haven't....

Just to let you know, the madame of the Hotel Vauvilliers must not have tried to charge me for those four cancelled nights as they didn't show up on my credit card bill.

Mom and Aunt Martha are in Paris right now, coming home tomorrow. I'm really enjoying reading about all of their adventures in Paris - they've seen some of the same things that I did, and others that I didn't. I really enjoyed the description of Sainte-Chapelle; my quick write didn't do it justice! I think I'm mentally planning for my NEXT trip to Paris (no timetable yet of course) - I want to explore the Left Bank much more than I did, also get up to Montmartre on more than a wet and cold bus ride. I think, oh about a month or so ought to do it! Dream on, dream on. But it doesn't hurt to dream, does it?

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