Friday, March 20, 2009

Need for sleep...

Note the time. Yep it's accurate. And I've been up for an hour. Can't seem to manage more than 4-5 hours of sleep the last few nights. And that's with taking melatonin. Perhaps it is because of taking the melatonin? Gonna google that. Anyway, I don't feel particularly anxious. It's more a "not being able to shut down the brain" type of wakefulness. I'm really hoping that I sleep well on the plane. Not hopeful though. We'll see. One more (half) day of work then getting some last minute stuff and grocery shopping done, coming home to do the laundry, then hopefully to bed early tonight. Oh, and probably a few caches. I can't do more than six today, I'm at 1492 and want to leave a "spot" in the pre-1500 for the virtual cache that is at O'Hare airport.

I went to the monthly geocaching meet & greet last night. I had posted that I'd be willing to take small travel bugs that wanted to go to Europe. Well, I now have 17 bugs, mostly coins, to take. Lots of metal to take through security - bet the TSA will have fun with that - not. But I got through security with travel bugs last year going to Florida so I don't anticipate any problems. A couple of the bugs have been traveling around the U.S. for quite a while and want to go home to Germany. So I'm happy to oblige.

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