Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane....

The day of departure is finally here! We leave for the airport in about a half hour. My bag is completely packed, Steve adjusted the straps for me while I had it on and it fits quite well. I definitely have some weight on my back, but I'm confident it'll be manageable. The travel vest is fitting everything that I wanted to, and I discovered that I could have a laptop bag in addition to my carryon so have my netbook in a bag with some magazines.

At 11 a.m., I reach for my sports watch on the counter. No display. A dead battery. So off I went to Meijer to get one. Better at home than on the trip, I guess.

Yesterday afternoon, I tried doing some geocaching. I think my geo-sense left for Europe before me as I only found one out of five caches that I tried for.

I was able to sleep from midnight to five a.m., then took some melatonin and was able to go back to sleep until 8 this morning. Better than the last few nights, at least...

Next post from LONDON! : )

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