Sunday, March 15, 2009

First motorcycle ride of the season

This was a nice early spring day, temps in the 50's, might have hit 60 but I'm not sure. Steve saw that the Gold Wing rider group was having a get together at Bob Evans this afternoon and we decided we would go (decided yesterday.) Steve has done more with the group than I have and nothing much in the last year as he was so busy with working in Detroit. When I said that would be good, I didn't think about riding the bike. Sure enough, Steve spent time last night getting it ready for riding. And ride it we did. We wore our heavier riding jackets and dressed warmly. I wasn't at all cold, except perhaps my hands a bit. When I kept them tucked behind Steve's backrest, I was fine. It wasn't that long of a ride, just to M-6 and Kalamazoo Ave., but long enough to enjoy being out in the warmer weather. We were warmly greeted by the group and had a good time eating and talking.

I forgot to blog about Friday afternoon. I had decided to go to the Women's Expo. The parking under DeVos Place was full so I decided to go up the street to the lot that is free on weekends. Found out it costs $3 during the week, payable at an automated machine that takes coins, $1's, and $5's. I had 2 quarters, 2 $1's, and a $10. Just as I was figuring out that this probably wasn't going to work without the proper money, a truck pulls in behind me and blocks me from backing out. I did the only thing I could think of under the circumstances and yelled out my window, "You wouldn't happen to have an extra dollar, would you?" The driver did and gave it to me, then I was able to park. I'll just have to pay it forward someday as I still didn't have the proper $ to pay them back inside the lot.

Women's Expo was ok, not great. Lots of places trying to sign you up to sell you something. The best part for me was trying out a Nintendo DS while getting a massage. Ok, it was a short one, but still bliss. I told them I'd buy a DS if the masseuse came with it. No deal, unfortunately.

I did a few caches after that, on my way towards home. Hard to not do too many as the weather is getting nicer. I still want to have my milestone in Europe. My grand total right now is 1491. I am going to the meet & greet on Thursday night, and there is also a virtual cache at O'Hare Airport so I can't do more than 6 other caches this week. I have a 5 hour layover before we leave for London, and a 6 hour layover coming back from Paris, so I should be able to get the cache sometime when I'm there.

Went to bed late last night and woke up at 5 a.m. and took quite a while to get back to sleep. Too many thoughts racing through my head. That's not good - I know I need to be well rested before I go.

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