Monday, April 20, 2009

Outdoor Leader Training

Outdoor leader training (boy scouts) was last weekend, and as usual it was a great time!

Started up to Camp Gerber on Friday afternoon. Did some caching along the way (of course) and found five caches though I wish it would have been more. Arrived at Gerber about 3 p.m. First place I went was the dining hall area. Much of the wreckage has been cleared though there is insulation everywhere in the immediate area. I knew it was gone but it was still weird to see it with my own eyes.

Then to Chaffee bunkhouse to unload non-perishables and my own gear. When Ted arrived, we did some last minute details, then went to the pavilion and checked in participants as they arrived. Friday night we had flags at Evans dining hall (the cub side) then our evening session at Earle Johnson Lodge, also on the cub side. Very cozy but it was the best we could do. One less big building sure did make a difference!

Saturday morning it was very cool but we still got started with breakfast with the patrols, then morning flags and a group session on site selection. After, we went into our full round robin rotation schedule. Sessions were on plant and animal ID (including a hike around camp); knots & lashings; woods tools with Webelos breakout; map & compass; leave no trace; stoves & fires. Time out for lunch and then back into the rotation. At the end of the day, all patrols came together for a dutch oven (and other cooking methods) feast that they prepared. Yummy!

After the feast we had closing flags then a campfire. During the campfire, I was called up in front of everyone and chided for being out of uniform. Clueless I was as I thought I was in full uniform. Then one of my good scouting mentors, Bob (who had been my troop guide when I took Wood Badge back in 2002) walked in with a beautifully handcarved Bobwhite hiking stick. He has said for several years that he just couldn't get a bobwhite to look right so it was really a surprise to me! I am thankful for such good scouting friends as Bob!

Cracker barrel followed the campfire, then several of us walked down to the waterfront and hung out for a while. Quiet reflections on a beautiful day. And it was beautiful weather wise as well - got into the 70s.

Sunday morning was a different story weather wise. Colder and rainy. I ate breakfast with a different patrol. This patrol was mostly from the same troop, and had a communion service after breakfast. That was a first for me for this course. Flags after breakfast, then instruction and a scouts own service. Then we adjourned to Johnson Lodge again and had instruction on packing, hiking, and equipment. Highlights of this included the "Fitz & Jess" fashion show - Fitz was dressed correctly and Jess incorrectly for a variety of activities. Fitz kept telling Jess she was "gonna die" the way she was dressed. I think Fitz was gonna die for continuing to tell Jess that! (Just kidding.) Also was "treated" to the sight of Rich in a biohazard suit sharing techniques for cleanup.

Mike Sulgrove, our council exec, came and talked with the group about risk management and other camp/scouting issues. Great talk with lots of info. We moved it from Friday night and it really worked out much better on Sunday. After Mike's talk we adjourned for closing flags and training cards.

Ted and I had to go and inspect sites to release each patrol to go home, then we went back to Chaffee and wrapped things up with a staff meeting. Some changes for the next course - they all should be good ones.

Headed for home in a drizzle, but still stopped for two short caches. Looking for the second one, and Sonia pulls up next to my car and joins the search. She found it before I did. Then home to Steve and Eric. We went out to eat for Steve's birthday (it was Saturday, he was very understanding to not have me home on the actual day....thanks dear!) and then spent a quiet evening at home.

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