Sunday, April 26, 2009

Back to Gilwell

Time once again for a trip back to Gilwell...the Wood Badge Breakfast was this morning. (Actually yesterday morning as it is now after midnight...time to get to bed!) I thought that, with volunteering Lowell to be the host site, that I would get to sleep in a bit longer...but nooo, still had to get up early!

Got to the church and got all my registration items set up. Then looked down and realized I'd forgotten to put on my beads, woggle, and necker. Now that doesn't seem all that important but it is to a Wood Badger. So, thankfully I was close enough to home and had enough time to go home and get them. Then back to the church and the camraderie started.

A good time was had by all. Geo, Sandy, and all the other Bear mascots all earned THEIR beads today and were presented with them by Sonia, our patrol leader. I was re-elected treasurer of the association. Actually unaminously - by default as nobody else volunteered for the job. At least I'm now term-limited, two years from now I can't run for re-election.

We ended, as usual, with 10 verses of "Back to Gilwell." I get to sing three verses - for Bobwhite, Bear, and Staffer. Always love singing that song, brings back so many good Wood Badge memories!

Had planned to possibly take some Bears out to play in the woods, caching-style, but it just didn't work out due to other commitments on their part and the rain that started about the time the breakfast ended. And I had cleaned the house for possible company, too....oh well.

Spent a quiet afternoon, some of it with Eric. We played a very competitive game of Monopoly. I won even though Eric had declared he was going to beat me. He forgot who taught him everything he knows about Monopoly!

Steve called tonight from Auburn, Indiana. Headed for home since he'd heard about the coming rain. It wasn't raining there and he wanted me to look at the radar to see if he could beat it home. He could not, we deduced, and I persuaded him to stay the night in Auburn. If he's gonna get wet anyway, better to get wet in the daylight than at night. So looks like he'll be home tomorrow instead of Tuesday. Seems like he's had a good time though.

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