Monday, July 26, 2010

Wouldja go already?

Steve's been planning for a while to take his BMW motorcycle to a rally in Vermont the last week of July. Hey, it's the last week of July - has he left yet? Nope. The rally doesn't actually start until Thursday but he was going to leave last Saturday.

Well Saturday came and went. He was still tweaking the bike, trying to install some kind of bracket he thought he needed. I had made plans to go to the Bertha Brock Park event in Ionia, so I went anyway. Only difference was that I didn't have to take Max. Good thing too because Golfdiva and I went through some really really tall grass. We're talking as tall as me. Max would have been lost in no time flat. I ended up with three ticks, too - the first ticks I've come across geocaching in years. The event was fun - got home about dark.

Sunday, I stayed home from church because I thought he was going to leave in the morning and I wanted to see him off. Nope, still working on that bracket thingy. Eric came home around 2 and shortly after Scott called. So if the boys hadn't come home or called, he might have finished. Not complaining here, mind you - always good to see and hear from them.

So today - has he left yet? Nope. I finally left for my errands, which involved coming to the library for wifi and a few other stops, about 2 when he said he was just about finished but it wouldn't pay for him to leave this late in the day. So looks like it'll be tomorrow. I did say that if you weren't leaving today, let's go to the Ionia Free Fair tonight. Looks like we will.

It's not that I want him gone. Yes it is but not quite the way you might picture it. He needs the time away, he needs some enjoyment. And - there's a certain pleasure in being home alone, having just what you want for meals, doing just what you want (like geocaching...) and he's been home now three more days than I'd planned for him to be here. I'm off this week as well, but it's more of a involuntary vacation (and unpaid of course) since they are remodeling at work and none of my kids will be there either.

I do have to get the living room finished (moved all of my stuff from Scott's room out there to sort it out) but otherwise will be ready for Scott to come home next Sunday! Six more days - I've been counting down on Facebook.

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