Saturday, July 10, 2010


Received some disturbing news Thursday afternoon. It had been previously announced that a seasonal employee of Gerber Scout Camp was under investigation by the FBI. Thursday, it was announced just who it was and what he allegedly did.

The employee was the camp director, and the allegations are distribution of child porn. This has rocked the scouting world that I live in for many reasons. I knew this man. This man was one of my sons' bosses when they worked at camp for many years. People are so quick to point the finger when it is someone who is supposed to be of high moral character making such a mistake.

Don't get me wrong, this man made a huge mistake, but the negative publicity generated just because he was a scouter has been huge as well.

My concerns are not only that of a scouter and the impact this has on our program, but also as a mother. I was somewhat relieved this morning to hear that none of the files on the man's computer were created by him (therefore none of the images are those of our scouts.) It remains to be seen if any of those images were shown to our scouts, most especially camp staff. I know that at least one of my sons spent time in the camp director's house. He has assured me that nothing like that went on while he was there. I hope that is the case for all of our scouts.

Glad to have been able to take this short little trip I'm on right now so I could get my mind off this. Didn't sleep well on Thursday night, obviously.

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