Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today's weather started out to be dreary. I had hoped for a nice morning so I could finally go to downtown Grand Rapids and check out some of the ArtPrize entries before the contest ends. Dreary and drizzly so went to the library instead to use high speed.

As I was leaving, the garbage was just being picked up in front of our driveway. Can't think of the last time I had the opportunity, so I yelled out the window, "Thanks" to the garbage worker. It's a thankless job for the most part I would think. So decided to take that moment. Why not?

Next stop was the post office. I finally had a package together for Scott. Didn't have any flat rate boxes left at home so just used a regular priority box. When I got to the post office, the clerk asked if I thought I could get the contents into a flat rate box as it would be a few dollars cheaper to send. I could and did. That was nice of the clerk; she didn't have to do that. Had to buy stamps, too - we'd finally used up all the ones we'd bought before the rates went up.

Then to the library - nice to go into a study room so I could listen to things as well. Uploaded Scott's facebook pictures from Qatar, and watched a video he'd posted. Wish I knew how to save videos from FB! Judy started IMing me from facebook, it was nice to have a chat with her. All of a sudden though I realized (thanks to Judy's question) that it was time to get to work! Went outside to a beautiful blue sky - where was that two hours ago?

Headed to work, but was almost late because of an accident that really slowed traffic. I'd allowed plenty of time to get to work, though, thankfully!

I'm hoping that the weather holds and it is still nice enough tomorrow to go downtown and check out the ArtPrize exhibits. Probably about my last chance.

Oh, and weather? The long-range forecasts actually have the "s" word in them. That's snow, not that other s word. Probably not enough to stick, but still.... that's Michigan for you.

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