Sunday, December 28, 2008

Memories of Merrill Dining Hall

Planning my upcoming trip to London and Paris takes up a lot of my thinking time these days. Can't imagine why... but taking up a big chunk of space in my gray matter right now is the news that Merrill Dining Hall, at Gerber Boy Scout Camp near Twin Lake, collapsed on Christmas Eve. As a scouter for over 10 years, Merrill holds a lot of memories for me, even though I never camped at Gerber with our Boy Scout Troop. I attended Wood Badge course C-39-02 there and was a troop guide for C-16-07 last year. Many memories of the dining hall with that alone. I've also been on staff for outdoor leader training for probably five years or so, twice a year with the dining hall used quite a bit as well. Add in some Wood Badge dinners and reunions, and other events, and you end up with a lot of time well-spent.

My last visit there was in late October for the fall OLT course. We held our "campfire" in the dining hall as we had a Wood Badge beading ceremony at the beginning of the evening and wanted it to be seen in more than the glow of a burning fire. I'm glad now that we did, it was a great campfire even without burning wood involved.

Three of the four walls of the dining hall collapsed - the kitchen wing is apparently salvageable. I've also heard that the elk head has been retrieved, as have most of the staff pictures, neckerchiefs, and plaques. The moose head is still AWOL. Many of the tables and benches, all custom made by troops, will have to be replaced.

In the coming days and weeks, plans will be made for rebuilding - the desire is to have a new facility in place by the time camp starts in June. I hope that whatever mistakes may have been made in design or building will be changed for this new building - and that it isn't rushed just for the sake of getting it done. I hope that all scouts and scouters will be welcomed into the rebuilding process however and whenever they are able. I want to do what I can, though it may not be much.

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