Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Day for Steve

So much of what I blog about Steve doesn't paint him in a great light. One way that I use my blog is to vent some of my frustrations with him, and while that's good for me, not always good for him. Though he doesn't read my blog, probably doesn't even remember that I have one.

But I did want to share about Steve's great day last Thursday. Earlier that week, he'd forwarded me an email about the Aptera prototype coming to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, one day only, Thursday, October 7. The Aptera is this hybrid vehicle that is supposed to get 200 mpg, Steve as a designer has been very interested in them since he first heard about them and wants to get one when they are available here.

Anyway, his comment on the forwarded email was, "wish I could see this..."

I replied with, "Why not? Go for it. You still have some vacation days left."

So he did. He drove to Chicago that morning, leaving about 7 a.m. He wore a black Aptera tshirt that he'd bought and pulled into the museum area right behind the semi tractor containing the prototype. He parked in a nearby lot and shortly thereafter learned it was an employee lot. The attendant didn't say anything because of Steve's shirt - he thought Steve worked for Aptera! Steve went inside the museum, paid the fee, and saw the prototype as well as an earlier model that had been on display for a while. He also went through much of the rest of the museum since he was there.

I'm not clear about the details here, but somehow he got to talking to a museum employee who took him through some back passages and out to the staging area where there was a third Aptera that had been taking local media out for rides. Somehow Steve was able to get a ride in that car, and ended up getting another tshirt and water bottle. Turns out the employee was the chief curator of the museum....

Anyway, Steve was the happiest I've seen him in a long while by the time he came home about 9 p.m. that night. So glad for him. Really do love him in spite of the struggles we've been having as of late.

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