Friday, January 30, 2009


11 caches this afternoon! Haven't done that well since way back on January 2nd ... the roads did cooperate with me this afternoon so I decided caching was a great idea after my half day of work. There was some light snow off and on but nothing that really impacted the roads.

First cache was near work, at the end of a street overlooking downtown Grand Rapids. A beautiful view, which I'm sure is even better at night. Quick nano cache (about the size of my thumbnail.) Then moved on to some caches a few miles south that were part of two different caching series. Found all that I set out to find but was in a park with lots of snow, the logs show that it is a challenge so I don't feel so bad. The other was at a cacher's home in a mobile home community, everything is just way too close together to make me feel comfortable searching there, even if I know the person! I was pleased to find at least one ammo box today, was able to trade a travel bug (double decker London bus) for a coin. Also found "O Tannenbaum" on my third try, it was a small container hidden in a pine tree. At another location, I had to climb (literally) over this huge mountain of snow at the edge of the parking lot, it was probably six feet high at least. Found the cache, though.

A fun afternoon, got out and got some exercise, then did some errands on the way home as well. Looking forward to the weekend!

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