Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Worst Case Scenario

Yep. The worst case scenario happened. Last Wednesday, Steve lost his job. This was unexpected as he had been receiving excellent performance reviews and work was steadily coming in.

The part that is the worst is that they won't tell him why. They did say it was not his job performance or quality of work. But still no other reason. That's hard to take. Plus, at age 58, a job search will be even more challenging in this area.

We are luckier than most in this position. We own our home and our vehicles outright. No debts. Our only worry is health insurance. Looking into the options there - COBRA, trying somehow to get on Gilda's insurance even though I'm only part time and technically not eligible, or some other program. God IS in control and I have to keep reminding myself of that. He brought us to this, he will bring us through this. Wish Steve shared that same belief.

We're still going to be more careful with our finances for the time being. Unemployment will help. I'm glad that we have our trip done and in the memories already. Going ahead with it this fall (as was one of our original plans) would have been tough to justify. I'm also glad that I've paid my expenses for scout events this fall such as Wood Badge and Mackinac Rendezvous.

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