Sunday, June 19, 2011

My niece's bucket list

My 17 year old niece recently posted her bucket list. Oh, to be young again and on the brink of making all those decisions about where your life will take you! Thought this would make a good blog post.

1. Make a positive impact on the planet. She will have all kinds of opportunity to do this. Hope I have done so myself.

2. Love every single thing about myself. I can't see where that would be hard - she has beauty & brains - a winning combination! Still working on this for myself. Overall satisfied but if I could just get rid of this addiction to food, especially sweets...

3. Meet Robert Downey, Jr. Ok for her. Doesn't matter to me.

4. Go on a cross country road trip. I hope she gets that opportunity, it's a great way to see the country. I've seen most of the country, still want to get to the Pacific Northwest and New England. Will there be geocaching involved - I'll go with her! : )

5. See ADTR live. Seeing as I don't have a clue as to who or what ADTR is/are, I'll pass on commenting here.

6. Intern for TOMS Shoes. I think I know (sorta) what these are. Internships are a great way to learn about a company and/or a career. Go for it.

7. Backpack in Europe. Oooh, another one I'll gladly accompany her on. Having two trips to Europe under my belt doesn't satisfy the urge, it just intensifies it.

8. Go to a City and Colour concert. Again, my age shows here. No idea about this one.

9. Design an environmentally-friendly house and then live in it. A tall order but why not? I'm trying to be more environmentally friendly, getting away from disposables and more recycling.

10. Fly in a hot air balloon. Nope. Nada. Too high up. I think you'd have to sedate me first. But in the spirit of adventure - go for it, Alex!

11. Speak fluent French. Didn't know until talking to Grandma last night that you've been taking French online as they don't offer it at your school. This will come in quite handy on that backpacking tour! I don't regret a moment of the time I've spent learning other languages. They do come in handy from time to time.

12. Travel to Thailand. I'm guessing a visit to Yui would be involved here. Other lands, other cultures, are so cool. Wouldn't mind visiting here, either, but there are other places above this on my bucket list.

13. Own my own cafe that sells delicious pastries. I'm with you on the delicious pastries part. You own it, I will come. Hear you're turning into a great cook.

14. Sleep in a hammock under the stars. I've come close with all my Boy Scout experiences. Wonderful to be out enjoying nature. Just make sure it's not 20 below zero at the time you do this one...

15. Meet Dallas Green. Who?

16. Learn how to play acoustic guitar. Music, as Alex well knows, is wonderful. It has helped bring her to the place she is in her life now, I daresay. I enjoy music but it just hasn't been my gift.

17. Have a pet hedgehog. And you'll name him Sonic, right? Not sure what the attraction to a hedgehog is per say, but pets are wonderful companions. Go for it.

18. Live sustainably. A good goal. Hard for me to meet it, but never say never.

19. March in a drum corps. Not gonna happen for me. Hope it does for you.

20. Learn how to play cello. See #16 above.

21. Travel to Switzerland. Say hi to Nora for me. I can highly recommend this one but bring lots of money.

My own (mental) bucket list isn't nearly so long, or profound. I found my niece's to be excellent!

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