Monday, June 6, 2011

Back to Gilwell, almost

As I just mentioned in my last post, this last weekend was Wood Badge Staff development weekend at Camp Gerber. We are preparing for our course which will be held in August and September.

Friday morning brought a few extra errands but I was finally packed and ready to roll by about 12:15. One last stop at the post office to drop off a package for Scott, and then headed northwest. My plan was to stop at the Muskatewa Trail where a whole slew of new caches had been placed. Best would have been to bike it, but when I tried to get my bike out it was blocked pretty well, plus had at least one flat tire. So not this time. Hiked a mile down the trail (then of course a mile back) and got five caches. Then moved on to Coopersville and got three more caches which made a nice eight cache day for one of my few remaining geo-calendar days.

Made it to camp and got some time to spend with others on staff, then we started our evening promptly at 6 p.m. My last two troop guides gave their individual presentations, then our Sr. Patrol Leader gave his. Then we discussed our campfire while down at the firebowl area. Cracker Barrel and one last practice for my own presentation, then shower and bed.

Saturday morning brought a good breakfast, then MY presentation. I was a bit nervous but it went well, so I was told. I have to polish it up but it's getting there. Another presentation, then we walked over to cub camp and walked through our entire first day of the course and got all the kinks ironed out. Hot and sweaty! Lunch was great, then we did some walking through days 2 and 3.

Afternoon brought some team building at the COPE course. We worked on getting our team across a moving swinging log. Actually got 'er done! Then another exercise where we had to move across five different stumps connected with boards. Sounds easy but it wasn't. I was just glad we didn't have to do the high ropes course.

Fantastic dinner - dutch oven cooked cornish game hens, potatoes, green beans, and key lime pie. Needless to say, between the vacation and the weekend, I started back on the strict week of my diet today!

Then staff pictures, both formal and informal, and more working out details of the weekend.
Sunday morning brought chapel service, a few more details to be worked out, then we were dismissed about 11:30 a.m. Did some more geocaching on the way home as it was another geocalendar day. Only three left! Also stopped at a graduation open house for the son of a scouting friend of mine.

Then home to discover that Steve had taken several rides with friends this weekend. I can't really complain because I was off having fun myself! 19 days together so it was good to have some separate time as well. Only thing was, the lawn still hadn't been mowed, and my new refrigerator is still in pieces over the house (from bringing it inside through the slider) and the plants are scattered as well because the refrigerator is taking up their room. Hope both these situations are resolved soon!

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