Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, part 2

Since Steve went to the Metro Cruise on 28th Street today, I decided to spend my late afternoon and evening taking part in our church's digital scavenger hunt. My team and I, called "we want to play but don't have a team yet" set out with a list of shots to get and an hour & 45 minutes to get as many as we could. Had a great time - highlights for me included my getting "on" a motorcycle that was parked near a bar, the owner was up on the balcony and noticed....we just said, we're on a scavenger hunt and needed a motorcycle picture. We're done now. Thanks."

Another pix was on a skateboard. We saw a kid going down the street on one and stopped him to ask permission to borrow the skateboard for a picture. I guess when a middle-aged lady comes running at you, wearing a chicken hat, you're probably too flabbergasted to refuse. Oh yeah, we all had to wear crazy hats. I chose my chicken hat, though the flying pig hat was tempting.

We had to meet at Meijer at 7:15 to buy ingredients for tacos, then returned to the church for taco dinner and viewing the pictures and declaring a winner. It was nice to spend some time in fellowship with others in my church family, I don't get to do that as often as I'd like. We didn't win but we had a great time!

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