Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday part 1 - Age of Discovery

Had a great Saturday. It started with a trip to the annual Age of Discovery geocaching event, in Jenison. Opted to go on my own this time around, since I had a church event in the late afternoon (more on that in part 2!)

Arrived at the park shortly after the event started, and immediately was greeted very enthusiastically by several friends. I was soon to find out that the get to know you game, where you gather signatures of people that fit different statements, like how many caches you've found, etc. had a statement "Find a cacher named redhedmary." So I got to sign everybody's paper, all in the same spot. At the same time I had my own paper. I didn't know, though, that I had been slipped a fake paper with impossible statements. Finally figured it out about a half hour later and got a regular paper...

Traded travel bugs and pathtags, got to chat with lots of people, then was invited to go find the new caches in the park with five other cachers. Went around with vj24, Dirty Gordy, Homebru, Mr. GeoFrog, and Mr. of Team Peterson. We found six caches in the park, the four we needed for the game plus two other new ones. Got back just before the food was gone. That didn't matter, for in my new quest to be "good" with eating, had brought my own little sandwich and my bottle of water so I was set. That plus the exercise made it good.

Had some more time to visit, then the prize drawing. Didn't win anything this yesr but that's ok. Found a few more caches on the way home, then had about an hour before the church event.

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