Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Blog-versary!

I realized that a year ago today, I started writing this blog. At first it was as much about my upcoming trip to Europe as anything, and has gradually expanded into somewhat of a chronicle of my life in general. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would and plan to keep it up, at least once or twice a week when I have high-speed access.

My goal this year is to double my readership - maybe 6 instead of 3 : )

Forgot to mention in my Christmas blog that the three of us (Eric, Steve, and I) went to see Avatar on Wednesday night (Christmas Eve Eve.) We had hoped to see it at the Imax in 3D but tickets were already sold out for the night. The next 3D in a regular theater was an hour away, so we bought our tickets and walked over to Panera Bread to have a quick bite to eat. Came back to the theater, put on our geeky 3D glasses and watched a really good movie. At least for Eric and I. Steve unfortunately developed some motion sickness and had to leave about a third of the way into the movie. He ended up walking over to IHOP and grabbing some coffee, and was waiting for us when we got out. I felt bad for him, hope it doesn't affect him the same way when we eventually watch it on DVD.

A nice family evening together.

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