Monday, November 23, 2009

Sleeping is optional...

I have to take back the part in my last blog about my DH being too cheap to replace the dishwasher. We bought a new one last Saturday morning. I'll get to that.

Friday afternoon, after finishing up most of the house cleaning (company came yesterday) I sat down with the paper. I don't usually look at the Sears ad, but right on the front were the doorbuster specials. 7-11 a.m. Saturday only. One was a nice dishwasher for almost half price. Checked it out online and it was a good one. So left the ad on Steve's chair for him to see. Didn't hold out much hope, but you never know...

When Steve came home, he looked at the ad, we talked, and bottom line, we decided to get up early the next morning and go buy the dishwasher! We're also going to get a water softener so that the hard water doesn't wreck this one like it did the one we have now.

Ok, fast forward to bedtime. Now not only did I have the exciting prospect of a dishwasher to think about, but also my plans for the next day. I was planning to go caching for most of the day since I had to be in Muskegon for our Wood Badge dinner that night. So...three exciting things to think about. Went to bed about 11:30, Steve had gone to bed about an hour before.

Laid in bed, but just could not shut off my mind. Kept thinking about my caching plans, then the dinner, then that we were actually going to get the dishwasher (and that I had to get up at 6 a.m. to get ready to go...) I'm sure most of you have had this happen to yourself at least a time or two.

About 1 a.m. or so (I think) I got out of bed, brought my blanket and pillow to the living room, and stretched out on the couch. Brought a book and figured reading would get my mind stopped and get me to sleep. Note to self: don't choose an interesting book, choose a boring one. Mind just switched from caching-dinner-dishwasher to what's gonna happen next. After a while decided this just wasn't working.

I went out into the living room and went on the internet for a bit. Cleared out my mind from the book and I was feeling sleepy. So went back to bed to try again. After about another half hour, knew I was still awake. So went out to the kitchen. Try a warm cup of drinking chocolate, girl. I have some of my Cadbury drinking chocolate left from London - has to be stirred into warm milk. Tasted good but didn't relax me.

So next - went back to the internet to google can't sleep and you'd be surprised at what came up! Some of the suggestions I'd already tried, like counting backwards, reading, warm milk, etc. About the only one I hadn't tried was playing soothing music. I've done this before but not for a while. Where's my mp3 player? Oh yeah, out in the car. So out to the car (thankfully it was IN the garage) and got the player. Went for my warm lamb (it heats up in the microwave) to give me an extra bit of soothing and set the mp3 player to my musical massage album. I know it was about 4 a.m. at this point because I heard the chimes on the clock. I don't remember much between then and 5 a.m. when I heard the chimes again so it's possible I did snooze for a while. At that point, though, I was awake again so decided that sleep was optional and picked up my book. Finished it about 6 a.m. so went back to the bedroom and we got ready to go to Sears.

We went into town, thought I might doze in the car but no. Ordered the dishwasher (none there ready to take home even though we were there at 7:10 a.m.) Steve will pick it up on Wednesday night. Went back home and I tried to take a nap. No. So decided I was just going to have to get through the day and did just that. Diet Cherry Coke was my friend. Left about 11 a.m, did get some caching in and went to a great Wood Badge dinner. The drive home was not fun but the fog kept me awake and alert since I had to concentrate more on my driving than usual. Good thing under the circumstances. Had no trouble falling asleep Saturday night!

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