Sunday, November 8, 2009

Indian Summer at last?

These past two days have been as close to Indian Summer as I think we'll get here in Michigan this year. So how did I choose to spend (at least part of) them? Geocaching of course.

Friday morning was chilly. Downright cold at first. So I decided to go out but dressed in layers. Long sleeve shirt, AF Mom sweatshirt over that, and my fleece jacket over that. Worked well. Went up to the Cannon Township Trail and found five caches along the trail. My only problem there was needing a bathroom. Enough that I actually considered going "outdoors." But...the trail had houses near enough that I didn't think THAT would be a good idea. So waited until I got back to the cachemobile and went down the street to the nearest gas station. After that I went to one cache in another park, then on to Pickerel Lake to try some caches there.

I was a bit wary of the caches there as the cacher who placed them is known for difficult hides. And, sure enough, I didn't find the first one I looked for. Given the time of day, the fact that daylight savings time ended last week so daylight would be gone earlier, and the perceived difficulty of the other caches, I decided to come back another day. So back to another park.

The cache at this park was placed in May and has had very few finds. A three stage multi, and the final had been reported as wrecked months ago. The few finds since then have confirmed that. Unfortunately, none of those finders had brought materials to fix the final. I did.

The first stage was not too far from the parking lot. Took me about a half hour of searching, and reading the recent logs (I love having those on my nuvi now!) and finally I figured out where the first stage was. Micros in the woods, grrr.... So went on to stage 2. Lost the trail so bushwhacked most of the way. Only clue for the stage was "shake." Ended up in an area of woody vines so did a lot of shaking. Nothing. I was there for close to an hour and no luck. Even phoned my geo-friend Golfdiva, who logged the last find. She wasn't answering her cell.

And I ask you, why can I get a cell phone signal in the middle of the woods but not at home? Life is just not fair sometimes.

So back to the cachemobile I went, and headed on home. Logged my caches and spent the evening working on my VHS to DVD project. All I have left now are a few travel tapes and the class reunions. Getting there, Mom!

I wouldn't normally go out caching on Saturday with Steve home, but Steve had to work. So since I had an errand to run in Lowell, went on to do some caching. Started with one of Golfdiva's caches that I'd been putting off as the parking was a little dicey. Did ok with that since the leaves are now gone. Anyway, it was a .15 hike (supposedly) and you were to follow the trail, marked in blue. I lost that trail pretty early on and ended up bushwhacking over one hill and up the next. And these were big hills. Finally found the cache, then saw a blue trail marker. Went to it and immediately lost the trail again. Never did see another marker until I was close to the car again. Good thing I'd marked that location!

Then on to Saranac and five caches there. The last one was in the owners side yard, and one of the kids came out to watch me look. Thankfully it was an easy find. Then I went north of Saranac and picked up a few out in the country. The last one was a tree alongside the road, for whatever reason there were several dozen pairs of shoes tied to the branches. The cache was in the toe of one of the shoes. That was an interesting find! (Will post a pix once I get them uploaded.) Ended the day with a find in Fallasburg Park, close to Lowell. Then on to home where I did the wash and worked on the DVDs again until Steve came home about 6:45.

We went to Steak and Shake where we were waited on by Natalie, our old favorite waitress from when we went there quite a bit with the boys and Steve's dad. She remembered not only us, but what we usually ordered! Now that's good service. She asked about the boys and Steve's dad. We used to tease Eric that the waitress had a crush on him, I think that's one reason why Eric didn't like going there so much. Just for the record, she was just very nice. Probably not interested in Eric other than as a customer.

These have been two nice Indian summer in Michigan days. Today is just as nice but where am I? In Burger King using the internet. And it's 70 degrees outside. Time to go, I think. Enjoy it while I still can. Steve is out on a motorcycle ride but they left before church would have been out so I didn't go.

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