Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not since Christmas? Really?

Ok, it's just been a really hectic few months. Not to mention the fact that our dialup was working less and less. Adds up to not posting on this blog since Christmas. Really.

That will change. Yesterday, we FINALLY solved our internet problems with the installation of a WiMAX receiver and now have joined the 21st century.

It's really nice to be able to click on links and have them work. And have google work. And have YouTube work. And have a myriad of other sites work, too. Yes, I had access at work and wherever free WiFi was found. But generally in those cases I had specific things I had to accomplish and a limited time frame to accomplish them in.

So now I can just take care of what I want to when I want to. Internet wise that is.

More to come soon. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you writing again! Will check your site regularly while I'm traveling. Love ya...
