Sunday, November 29, 2009

One last bit about Thanksgiving...

Ok, the first bit about Thanksgiving. But in reality it was three days ago, and Christmas already seems upon us as the decorations have come up from the basement (not all up yet) and today is the first Sunday in Advent. I did NOT succumb to the Black Friday temptations.

But before we leave Thanksgiving behind, I thought I'd like to try to gather my thankful thoughts. Perhaps if I had wi-fi at home, this would have been blogged that day. Or maybe not. We'll never know.

(in no order of importance, just as they came up in my head)
-- family. A no brainer there. My DH (Steve) that he is a faithful provider to us all even when things get stressful for him. Scott that is is safely back in Germany and is doing so well in the Air Force. Eric that he has a personal relationship with the Lord and that he is settling into what he wants to do in life.
-- My personal relationship with the Lord.
-- a house to live in and food to eat.
-- a car that still runs - gets me where I need to be
-- a job that I enjoy, and children there that love me unconditionally
--a basement big enough to hold my stuff, though I know I need to pare my stuff down some...
--our needs are provided for, and even some of our wants
--my mom, not just for her love and support but also for the supreme gift of travel that she has given me and my sisters. Some of my lifelong dreams came true this year and I have her to thank for that.
--free wifi at places like the library and Burger King so I can use my netbook to access the internet.
--good friends made through my hobbies of Scouting and geocaching.
--reasonably good health
--God's creation - the outdoors

I know there will be things I think of as soon as I'm done posting. But I need to get on home pretty soon so will end for now. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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