Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Meandering to Mackinac, now going home (day 5)

Sunday, September 27
Woke up, went to breakfast, then had to go to our color group to make sure they got to chapel on time. After chapel there was a group picture (not an easy task when you're talking about 1500 people; the photographer was in a cherry picker truck.) Then the fun began. We had to inspect each campsite after the unit told us they were ready to go. After they passed our inspection, we issued parking passes that would allow the unit to go get their vehicles and load them up. Most units were great at making sure their area was policed and everything was taken care of.

My last unit, however, was really slow. I finally went over to their site to find out what was going on. About 2/3 of the scouts were just sitting around. Worse yet, all of the leaders were also sitting around, under the dining fly which hadn't yet been taken down. There were about six or so tents still up, too. Turns out they were the leaders tents and the leaders were expecting the scouts to take them down for them! I got them going and they finally did get everything done.

Then we were free to leave. I left just before noon from the campgrounds. Went to I-75 southbound to the first rest area, where there were three caches. At the third one, I met up with a troop from the Rendezvous that was having their lunch break. I ended up showing them a bit about caching.

Then on to other caches in other counties. My route took me east of I-75 then south, then west back over to US 127 in Clare. My last cache was in the Clare rest area just before 7 p.m., then I drove home from there without anything more than one bathroom break. Got home just after nine.

A great five day trip combining two of my favorite activities, geocaching and scouting!
P.S. I posted the group picture: Look for me in the second row, far left side behind the two people in red. Yellow Hat.

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