Saturday, July 30, 2011

Good dog, Max!

Wednesday night, we were deluged by about 4" of rainfall in the same storm. This was about 10:30 - 11:00 at night, or so. Steve had already gone to bed, and I had just finished packing up the car to go to the Midwest Geobash the next day after work. I was working on the computer, trying to figure out a problem with loading some caches, using the battery power so as not to be hooked up to electricity in case of lightning. Heavy rain is noisy.

Suddenly, Max went over to the top of the basement stairs and started barking ferociously. Quite unusual for him. I finally went over to investigate and discovered water coming in through the back door to the walk out, also through two windows as well. I hadn't heard anything but Max noticed!

Woke Steve up and we went downstairs to try to resolve things. He made the mistake of opening the walkout door, more water started to pour in so he quickly closed it again but the extra water went over the sill and started going into the rest of the basement. Between a pump attached to hose that went out the side window down the driveway, the shop vac, and lots and lots of towels (we had a huge tote full of them from his dad's house...) we stemmed the tide and had minimal losses. I thought for a while I wouldn't be able to go on my trip but got enough resolved that it was ok.

It could have been much worse. If Max hadn't alerted us, I wouldn't have gone back into the basement as I had all the camping stuff I needed for my trip. Steve may not have gone down there. It could have been Sunday before it was noticed. We had new furniture stored down there, in storage for his dad's house as Eric's roommate brought furniture with him. The couch got wet but we got it dried out right away.

Extra dog treats for Maxie!

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