Monday, May 30, 2011

Wednesday, May 25

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
So nice to sleep in! I did wake up about 6 when Scott went, but was able to go back to sleep and it was about 9:30 when we were both up and about. Ate a leisurely breakfast, finished up some laundry, and about 12:30 we left for Trier. It was a shorter distance to Trier than I remembered – only about 20 miles or so. We got downtown with the help of the Nuvi, and found the parking garage near the Porta Nigra. I had glimpsed this two years ago with Scott when he picked me up at the train station, but hadn’t gone up close to it. Trier is the oldest German city, founded by the Romans – and this was the only surviving gate. It survived because it had been a church for many years. There was SUPPOSED to be a geocache nearby but it just wasn’t turning up for me. Disappointing because there were supposed to be travelers in it. Oh well. We explored the gate, but chose not to pay the entrance fee to walk around inside. Walked up to the Market Square from there – crowded but some interesting things to look at. We walked over to the Cathedral, which is the oldest Christian church in Germany. Toured the inside, and I also lit a candle for my brother as I had at Notre Dame two years ago. Walked around a bit more and then headed back to the car and back to Spangdahlem.
We’re just chilling right now, Scott will be home soon and then we’re going to go to the commissary and he’s going to take us to his workplace I think. We have to be careful of his time as he has homework to do for this class. He ended up sick from Steve as well – but is also feeling better just as we are. Thanks a lot, guy from Steve’s work that wouldn’t stay home!
(later) Scott came home, we went to the commissary. Picked up supplies to make Cincinnati Chili, tacos, and pizza. Then we went over to the area where Scott works and got to see some live missiles and meet one of his co-workers. Then Scott took us to this underground bunker from the cold war – no lights but still in theory ready should they need it. It was overgrown with weeds and they discovered it when they were clearing out the weeds. Then a quiet night of watching movies (them) and working on the computer (me.)

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