Monday, September 17, 2012

Moms never stop worrying - update

After a weekend full of checking multiple sites for typhoon updates, seems as though Scott has survived his first typhoon.  He's a bit annoyed with me that I posted multiple updates on Facebook, but I played the Mom card and that was that.  Good thing he probably doesn't read my blog...

And Eric still hasn't seen a natural birth, though he did get to observe a C-Section of twins last week. 

Got to spend time with both of them yesterday, Eric in person and Scott by phone.  Nice family day.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Moms never stop worrying...

A mother never stops wondering and worrying about her boys.  Even when they are 27 and 25.

When Scott first told us he was going to be stationed in South Korea for a year, I never envisioned South Korea as being a place where hurricanes or typhoons would head.  Then came Typhoon Bolaven.  Thankfully, Scott was on temporary duty in Alaska when Bolaven hit.  Minimal damage in the area.

But now, Super Typhoon Sanba is heading his way.  "Super Typhoon" is the hurricane equivalent of a Category 5 storm.  It will probably still be a 3 or 4 when it hits the Korean mainland, by the 17th.  Scott is back in Kunsan.  He'll get to experience it this time.  Thankfully, his dorm room is on the 7th floor so if there is flooding he shouldn't be affected that much. 

Probably a mom worrying too much. 

And then there's Eric.  Classes and rotations have started again.  He is now on his OB rotation.  I'm not worried about him, per say.  He's doing a great job in school and will make a wonderful nurse.  But it gives me a weird feeling to think of him as a young unmarried man watching a strange woman give birth, which he will soon get to see if he hasn't already.  But every nurse has to go through that rotation, even if they are guys.  All part of nursing.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Car Update

Well, it's been just over a week since we took delivery of our new 2012 Outback.  We had gone for the test drive Friday night, committed to making the deal, but had forgotten to bring the title for the Montana with us.   So we came back Saturday morning and did all the paperwork.  We used eighteen $100 Subaru bucks that we'd earned from credit card use, so that was the ultimate couponing experience! 

Steve spent a good part of the rest of the weekend undercoating the Subaru and other Cooperizing things to help prolong the life of this car.  I was able to drive it to church, a bit nervously but still nice to drive it.  We've had more than a few new cars over the years, but this is, to my recollection, the first new car that I've driven from the start. 

I got to drive it to work all week.  That was sweet.  It drives very smoothly, and gets good gas mileage.  Found out that my CDs weren't going bad, it had to have been the CD player in the Montana.  They work fine now...   It sits lower than the van, of course, so that takes a little getting used to.  I bought a shallow tote that fits just right in the front passenger seat for my assorted things (many geo-related) that I like to have within reach.  Bought a black laundry basket that holds bigger gear, for the back.  There is a cargo net that is corraling my shopping bags and other stuff like that.  Steve put an small Air Force sticker on the back.  Instead of geocaching stickers, I ordered a geocaching license plate frame which should come this week. 

Friday, I had to return my dog costume.  That went well, by the way.  Though it was VERY hot inside that costume.  Anyway, took me a few hours to get back home after that.  Went to a nearby nature trail and did Michigan's first Wherigo cache, placed a few years back.  A nice walk down the trail, then back.  Did a few more caches on the way back home.

Yesterday, drove to the Fruitport area for a geocaching event.  Most of my caching was done at the park where the event was held, so didn't put many extra miles on the car.  About a hundred altogether in driving back and forth though.  I think it has 300 something on it right now.  We took delivery with around 160 miles on it. 

Holding my breath for that first ding or scratch.  I am back to parking in the outlying areas of lots whenever possible.  At Gilda's, I try for that first spot that has extra room on the one side.  I know it won't be pristine forever, but I'd really like to keep this one nice for as long as possible.  Wish me luck there!

Steve also bought mud flaps and trim for the wheel wells which he plans to install tomorrow.  So I'll probably have to drive his van.  Funny to think it's the ONLY van now...

There's a picture of the new Outback posted on my FB page if you haven't seen it yet....